3.3V 5V TXS0108E 8 Channel Logic Level Converter
The TXS0108 is ideal when you need to connect a 5V system to a 3.3V device, e.g. connecting an Arduino to a MMA8452Q accelerometer.
The TXS0108 is ideal when you need to connect a 5V system to a 3.3V device, e.g. connecting an Arduino to a MMA8452Q accelerometer.
• 8 Digit Bi-directional Translator: Logic level translator can safely step down 5V to 3.3V and also step up 3.3V to 5V. It can transmit bi-directionally between high logic voltage and low logic voltage through 8 channels.
• Output Enable: The chip used by the module is TXS0108E, which provides two-way communication capability. The OE enable IO is active at high level. It is recommended to connect the IO port of the low voltage end.
• VCCA side voltage range: 1.2V-3.6V; VCCB side voltage range: 1.65v-5.5v
• Serial communication interface is compatible with UART/IIC/SPI port, which is easy to connect.
• Widely used in the communication between 5V SCM and 3.3V device, 3.3V SCM and 5V device. It can also apply in the level conversion between MCU and SD card, MCU and iic/spi serial port devices.
• Auto-sensing (no DIR control needed)
• Optimized for open drain signals (I2C, 1 wire)
• Low data rate (up to 40 Mbps)
• Hi-Z if VCCA or VCCB = 0V
• The TXS0108 is divided in two domains: the A domain and the B domain. On the A domain side you will connect your low voltage device. On the B domain side you will connect your high voltage device
• The TXS0108 has 8 A and 8 B pins, a GND pin and a VCCA pin and a VCCB pin. In the VCCA pin you will connect your low voltage reference level (3.3V for example). This mean the TXS0108 will sense and will output the VCCA voltage reference on the A pins. The same applies for the VCCB pin: here you will connect your high voltage level (5V for example), and the TXS0108 will sense and output the VCCB reference voltage on the B pins.
• The result: whenever you put a 3.3V logical 1 into one of the A pins, a 5V logical 1 will be output on the corresponding B pin. Many level converters out there are unidirectional. This means the level converter works only in one way, where one pin works as a input and the other as an output. This is not the case of the TXS0108 , because it is bidirectional. This mean a pin can be used as an input or an output at the same time, without needing any extra configuration.
• With the TXS0108 you can drive from 1.2V up to 3.6V on the low-voltage domain, and from 1.65V to 5.5V on the high-voltage domain. Any voltage in that range will be conveniently converted.
• The following picture illustrates how to connect a 3.3V device ( Accelerometer breakout) to a 5V Arduino UNO. This is one of the most classic situations where a level converter is more than useful: I2C communication. The INT1 and INT2 signals are not connected on the example above, just for a matter of simplicity of the drawing. You can connect them for example to A1 and A2. Then from B1 and B2 to any of the Arduino UNO digital inputs.
Package includes:
• 1 x 3.3V 5V TXS0108E 8 Channel Logic Level Converter