Colour Sensor RGB Unit (TCS3472)
COLOUR is colour recognition unit integrated with TCS3472 chipset. As the name says, COLOUR is able to detect colour value and return RGB data as response.
COLOUR is colour recognition unit integrated with TCS3472 chipset. As the name says, COLOUR is able to detect colour value and return RGB data as response.
Identify colour principle: The TCS3472 chipset integrated with 3*4 array of filtered photodiodes and a 16 bit analog-to-digital embedded converters. Out of the 12 photodiodes, 3 have red filters, 3 have green filters, 3 have blue filters and 3 have no filter (clear), which gives a total range of RGBA (RGB + Transparency)
When detecting the colour of an object the TCS3472 returns data from four channels: red(R), green(G), blue(B) and clear(C)(non-filtered). The response from the red, green and blue channels (RGB) can be used to determine a particular source’s chromaticity coordinates (x, y).
This Unit communicates with the M5Core via the GROVE A interface(I2C). Address is 0x29.
• Detection range: -40℃~85℃
• GROVE interface, support UIFlow and Arduino
• Two Building Blocks-compatible holes
• Product Colour Verification
• Colour tracking robot
• Detailed description and specification
• Colour recognition piano
• Arduino example
• UIFlow example
Package includes:
• 1 x COLOUR Unit
• 1 x Grove Cable